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Tags: North Virginia Street
Permit Issued for New Student Housing Project on North Virginia
Permit Issued for New Student Housing Project on North Virginia.
28 Jul 2016Haberae Committed To Spending $8 Million to Develop Entire Block Downtown
Haberae Committed To Spending $8 Million to Develop Entire Block Downtown.
30 Jun 2016Two Boarded-Up Motels In Their Final Hour
Two long-boarded up downtown motels, which were partly inspiration for the city increasing its muscle to demolish run-down properties and then bill the owner for it, are now in the final hour, as demo permits are in plan review.
2 Jun 2016Demo Permit Filed for 1551 N Virginia To Make Way for Large Student Housing Project
Demo permit filed for 1551 N Virginia to make way for large student housing project.
16 May 2016Virginian Pulls Major Permit for Room Remodels
Virginian Pulls Major Permit for Room Remodels.
14 Apr 2016The Virginian in Downtown Reno Purchased by Siegel Group
Siegel Group, who also owns the Senator Hotel building on West/2nd Street and the Truckee River Lane Building downtown, bought the long-closed Virginian Hotel downtown for $2.38 million.
6 Dec 2013Daily Shot: Whitney Peak Hotel Paint Job
The new tower paint job, which is the first time the tower has been painted since Fitzgerald's closed years ago, is wrapping nicely around the rock climbing area.
4 Dec 2013Downtown Episode IV: A New Hope
There are a lot of exciting projects queued up for downtown Reno. If even 3 of them come to fruition, downtown Reno will be a strikingly different area.
The first one involves the former Woolworths building. The plan for Woolworths is to convert the first floor into a full-size grocery store.
18 Sep 2013Whitney Peak Hotel Selects Construction Firm
The Whitney Peak Hotel has selected Miles Construction, a design-assist and construction management firm, as general contractor for its $6 million hotel renovation project and set to replace the historic Fitzgerald’s Hotel & Casino in downtown Reno in Spring 2014.
15 Aug 2013Whitney Peak Hotel Files for Permits
Whitney Peak Hotel has finally filed permits for renovation of the former Fitzgerald's Hotel and Casino.
7 Aug 2013