Check Out Fountain District's Experimental Light Pole

by Mike Van Houten / Aug 23, 2018

A new artsy abstract-looking light pole/fixture has been installed in downtown Reno, as a test to see what it would look like and how it will perform, before presumably installing them throughout the rest of the district at a later date. Check it out in the gallery below! 

Fountain District Fixture

Post your comments
  • August 23, 2018 - 4:57:23 PM

    drunk folks will climb on it. Just like our fancy new bridge and a bunch of the burner art we have on display. Why do all our efforts to beautify downtown neglect to plan for the obvious fact that a significant portion of downtown use is by inebriated people? I am told things can be pretty and not easy to climb on top of.

  • August 23, 2018 - 5:14:50 PM

    I agree with the "drunkard's jungle gym" comment plus it's ugly to boot.

  • August 26, 2018 - 2:50:25 AM

    BWAHAHAHA!!! This just goes to show that these morons have no clue WTF they're doing, no idea where the hell they are, and have absolutely ZERO business being in this town. Just wait until the next crawl and let's see how long these hideously impractical, dangerous pieces of crap last.

  • August 27, 2018 - 1:18:33 PM

    Just put in good lighting and lots of trees/shrubs...forget the ornate pole design

  • September 6, 2018 - 4:03:22 AM

    I could start with how much does this cost... we have the lowest education rates in the country but we filled our whole "downtown" with lights that are plain f***ing ugly and a WASTE of money. Reno, maybe we should work on maintaining, servicing, replacing, and/or repairing our failing infrastructure. I can name ten street lights in a two mile radius from my house that need to be overhauled, and I live in midtown too!

  • September 6, 2018 - 10:04:26 PM

    The light pole is paid for by Jacobs. There are new taxes to house our children in brand new schools. There is construction in Midtown that will have new light poles on Virginia Street and stretching into the neighborhood. Quit being so angry.