Home / Downtown Reno Residential
Grant's Landing
This project was so close to happening, that the streets, electrical and sewer were all laid for the project, and the pads for the condos were about to be poured when BAM, real estate market falls apart in Reno. The large lot is located on Mill Street, at the terminus of Holcomb Avenue, by the Reno Aces Ballpark. The lot remains vacant to this day, the streets and singular lamp post still present. I liked this project, the style of the architecture, but alas, it was not meant to be.
The land was eventually rezoned to commercial, but nothing ever became of it. For a few seasons of the Reno Aces it was used as a paid parking lot, but that eventually ended.
7/27/2007 - GRANT'S LANDING TO POUR FOUNDATIONS WITHIN A WEEK - Grant's Landing will be pouring foundations within a week or so, with their sales office opening up in August. They expect the first units to be done in November.
UPDATE: CONSTRUCTION 5/11/07 - All ground work is finally complete. The sales office is open, and the obligatory flags are up around the property.
UPDATE 11/23/06 - Construction and ground-clearing is happening at a fast pace. These guys mean business!
This project was just announced. It's going in the huge empty weed-laden field to the East of the Auto Museum on Mill Street. 137 townhouses are planned for the "Village on the River" project, with 2 and 3 bedroom units going between $150,000 and $325,000. Developers say the building will be styled after the U.S. Grant Hotel in San Diego, and that construction should start within a month of closing on the land purchase. Stay tuned for more on this late-breaking fast-moving condo project.
Post your commentsPosted by: Justin - 12/11/2007 5:25:05 AM
Channel 2 News (KTVN) reported yesterday that SilverStar Communities was holding off on construction of Grant's Landing until next Spring due to the housing market. This project was mentioned as part of a discussion relating to the city allowing developers to hold-off on housing/construction projects (something the RGJ also covered), until the market picks up. The developer doesn't have to do any site improvements other than a slight cleanup of the area and covering the mounds of dirt due to dust control. Going off SilverStar's track record, I am confident Grant's Landing will get built in 2008 & 2009. Still, I don't quite like the visual of a bunch of covered dirt piles and chain link fence all over town. I know that the issuance of building permits create revenue and jobs, but maybe it's time to think of a freeze on certain new construction permits until the market picks up? Otherwise, we could run into more situations like McCarran & South Virginia Street (near Meadowood). Remember when they were going to build a mutli-story high-end office building there, but the developer went bankrupt? It took forever to get the site cleaned up and even now, six years later it doesn't look as good as it did before and there still is no office building.
Click here for PDF of Presentation
Silverstar Community's Village on the River Approved - Moving Forward