Check Out Renderings for the Eddy Coming Downtown

by Mike Van Houten / Mar 12, 2016

Check out renderings for the Eddy, a food truck and beer garden park coming to the corner of Sierra Street and the Riverwalk, in the empty lot next to Riverside Artist Lofts.

Post your comments
  • March 13, 2016 - 8:01:59 AM

    It's great to see the empty lot be used, and even better to see the food trucks chime into downtown rather than the park. Plans aren't very clear but what will be needed are restrooms and if the proposed tops are seating it clearly won't accommodate many people. At every event downtown public restrooms are always an issue, Wingfield Park is close to people can transition there to consume their meals. Please step up and provide restrooms and seating that accomdates many people or eliminate so people being their own.