Remember when?
14 years ago the site at 219 Court Street was proposed for what was to become the tallest building in Reno since the Silver Legacy, Wingfield Towers. 300 condominiums in two high rises, one at 40 stories tall. Needless to say the project never happened and we all remember the Great Recession that killed it, and scores of others. With Reno booming once again, we find ourselves talking about the site, it was listed for sale for $9M as recently as last month, today, we discover there are plans moving forward. We aren’t sure if the property has closed a sale, or if it is going to be leased but planning documents show that "CAI Investments Hotel” is working on a project there. CAI Investments is based in Las Vegas and is working on two higher profile hotel projects right now, both under Marriott brands. One, a Delta Hotel, the other, A Westin in Tempe, Arizona. Reno is on the map and we’re excited to track this project. No word yet on which brand the company will be building here, but the site is lucrative within walking distance to most of Reno’s new attractions.
Check the photos below for the location and some renderings of their other current hotel projects.