Participate in the design of the new Sierra Street Bridge

by Mike Van Houten / Aug 8, 2024

The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County invites the community to participate in the future design of the Sierra Street Bridge as part of the Sierra Street Bridge Replacement Project.

Four potential designs are being presented with varying aesthetic features for this iconic bridge.

“It’s important that the community has a direct impact on the look and feel of this bridge,” Bryan Byrne, RTC Project Manager said. “We are committed to creating a bridge that reflects the character of our city.”


Go to
Scroll down to the “Build-A-Bridge” feature and click “Vote Now”
Review the design variations, pick your favorite, and cast your vote!

Voting is open through September 27. For more information, visit or contact the RTC at


Tagged under: downtown Reno | RTC | Sierra Street Bridge |
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