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Crop of New Businesses Coming

In the city council meeting agenda for next Wednesday, there are a crop of cool things in the pipeline. Here's a suite of businesses applying for licenses:

- Mellow Fellow - 300 East Second Street, Suite 104-Bar...This is located across the street from the Reno Aces Ballpark.
- Crafted Palette - 130 West Street - Cabaret - This will be a high-end coffee shop and sip-and-paint venue in the evenings where Beaujalais was formerly located, on West Street.
- Derby Supply Company - 123 West First Street, Suite B - Bar - This will be an old-fashion style barbershop where you can also grab a drink at the same time! Located in one of the Ross Apartments First Street retail spaces.
- Shelter, 111 North Virginia Street - Cabaret. This is a bowling alley/sports bar/night club featured here.
- Sierra Wellness - 1605 East 2nd Street, Suite 103 -  This will be a medical marijuana dispensary going in next to Opa Deli and Suzie's Adult Books, on 2nd Street across from Renown Hospital.

18  Mar  2015

New Venues Headed to 1st and West

New Venues Headed to 1st and West

A couple of quick announcements:

1)      The old Beaujolais location 130 West Street has been rented out to a new business called “Crafted Palette”. This will be a high-end specialty coffee shop with light breakfasts’ in addition to a paint and sip venue in the late afternoon and evenings. Like them on Facebook here.

2)      123 W. First Street (Old Bugsy’s Bar Location); one side has been leased  to a business called “Derby Supply Company”.  This will be a 1930’s style barbershop. They are offering cocktails while one might be getting a true straight razor shave and haircut. Look for build-out to begin late Spring, early Summer.

16  Mar  2015