Permit action on east 4th Street

by Mike Van Houten / Mar 4, 2024

Some permit action on east 4th street includes: 

324 East 4th Street - New roof deck seating, new kitchen, new bar, new outdoor seating, is included in this permit for AleWorx. This was Alpine's former address/home. This is a signficant $1 million+ upgrade to this property. The Jesse lists this property as a 'Bar, Restaurant, Event Space, Music Venue' coming soon. 

903 East 4th Street - This property was recently listed as available on Loopnet but now is not available. The permit was filed under 'The Block, which upon some Googling, looks like a NEW GYM opening up on 4th and Morrill. The unusual permit reads: COMMERCIAL REMODEL & ADDITION - TENANT IMPROVEMENT. STRUCTURAL 1. INSTALLATION OF CLIMBING GYM EQUIPMENT AND WALLS. 2. NO NEW ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, OR PLUMBING. 3. NO REVISION TO EGRESS. SEE CONSTRUCTION REVISION #1, DATED 7.25.23 (PERMIT #BLD23-05913E) FOR CURRENT OCCUPANCY AND EXITING INFORMATION. 4. CLIMBING WALL MOUNTING AND STRUCTURAL. 5. NO REVISION TO EXISTING SECOND FLOOR.

Tagged under: permitsdowntown Reno
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