News 9-21-07 Facade Improvement


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Posted by: BUGSY - 9/22/2007 12:48:57 PM
Im hoping this program will inprove the facade of the god awful liquer store in front on the riverwalk tower (2nd st,/west st.). The canopy with the grafiti is pathedic.

Posted by: Wiley-n-Reno - 9/24/2007 10:46:39 AM
and someone should point out to the Cal Neva casino owners that those 1965-era outside bulbs use 50% or so more energy and cost than LED lights or modern florescents! What an ugly marquee they hold on to (only god knws why!).

Posted by: Bugsy - 9/29/2007 11:29:00 AM
Mike, whats up with the web site. There has been no updates with in a week. Are things that busy at work?

Posted by: Cubster - 8/18/2010 3:59:01 PM
Why hasnt this site been updated for years now? Did we finally just give up on the dieing down town....?

Posted by: Paul Schoefield - 8/18/2010 10:04:46 PM
Why are you commenting on a post from 2007? LOL what a dork. If you bothered to look on his home page, you would notice he posts more often than most bloggers in town.

Posted by: Anakin-Marc - 8/19/2010 12:34:47 AM
RoFL Though I think he may have a point about the facade improvement plan. Anyone have any idea on the status of that project (that, and the 10 N. Virginia canopy)?

Posted by: Wiley_n_reno - 8/19/2010 3:28:12 PM
If they held a "Hey lets paint Beverly's Souvenir shop and Horseshoe shop" day downtown and handed all the volunteers a paint brush and can those 2 hideous looking storefronts could be cleaned up in about 4 hours.

Posted by: remano - 9/30/2010 6:56:22 PM
Golden Phoenix - anybody know what's going on here? They recently removed the particle board from the front of the building, and inside is a row of lit slot machines from one side of the building to the other. Right behind that is a white partition from floor to ceiling so you can't see if anything is happening behind it. The back door in the alley also seems to have been upgraded. A while back somebody applied for a liquor license in this location. Is something happening here, or have they just lit up the front to make the block look more appealing?