Permit in process to restore facade at 201 N Virginia (Byington Building)

by Mike Van Houten / Mar 7, 2025

A temp permit (meaning it hasn't been fully submitted yet) is in process to restore the ground-floor facade of the Byington Building, located at 201 North Virginia. 

The permit, which I can't link to yet until it's fully submitted, reads: 

This project consists of: Phase I - A Demolition Contract and Demo Permit to: Demo Exterior Canopy and Signage; Demo of Exterioir Wall Finish from Sidewalk to bottom of existing Canopy, approximately 9' of vertical Facade; Demo Misc. Lighting at Canopy.  No Structural destruction will occur. No Utilities will be disturbed. No Weather Exposure to Interior Tenant Spaces will Occur. Intent is to expose Structural Elements, i.e., Brick Masonry Walls; Structural Steel Columns and Beams so Rough Openings can be determined leading to: Phase II - New Contract and Building Permit to Replace: Exterior Wall Finish; New Storefront Doors and Glazing; New Awnings; Exterior Lighting and Signage. Intent of Phase I Demolition is to Return Building Exterior Facade, from 2nd Floor Level Cornice Line down to Sidewalk, back to the 1926 Plaster Directly Applied to Structural Clay Brick Wall. This project is being completed in Phases:  Phase I - A Demolition Contract and Demo Permit to: Demo Exterior Canopy and Signage; Demo of Exterioir Wall Finish from Sidewalk to bottom of existing Canopy, approximately 9' of vertical Facade; Demo of Misc. Lighting.  No Structural destruction will Occur. No Utilities will be disturbed. No Weather Exposure to Interior Tenant Spaces will Occur. Intent is to expose Structural Elements, i.e. Brick Masonry Walls; Structural Steel Columns and Beams so Rough Openings can be determined leading to a 2nd Phase. Phase II -  - New Contract and Building Permit to Replace: Exterior Wall Finish; Storefront Doors and Glazing; New Awnings; Exterior Lighting and Signage.

You might remember the Barber Brief's and my dual tour of the Byington Building a while back, nad it will be exciting to see some of these plans come to fruition. There is also a new tenant going in the corner unit on Virginia and 2nd on the ground floor, I saw the sign while out and about at the Western Lights Festival but don't recall who the tenant is. 

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