A few months ago, the owner of 675 Holcomb, the 'tin can' building, contacted me letting me know he was adding features to the building to make it more lease-friendly to a cafe/coffee shop/wine bar type of venue.
It didn't take long apparently to fill the unique building straddling Sinclair and Holcomb, technically on the edge of Midtown and the edge of the Wells Avenue Conservation District, it will bridge the two neighborhoods together with a wine and beer venue called 'The Glass Die'. It will be Reno's first board game parlour, described as "Craft beer, wine, coffee, tea, and soda and a free board game library!'
In today's city council meeting they are applying for an 'On-Premise Wine and Beer Bar' license. Cool! If you haven't seen the space lately, check it out. A glass storefront facade now sits on the southern side of the building, really opening the building's unique interior up. I can't wait to see what the end-result is!
Would it have killed you to take 15 seconds Googling/Facebooking "The Glass Die" so you could give an accurate description of the new venue? It's a "board game parlour" that happens to serve beer and wine, not a "wine and beer venue" that will "bridge the two neighborhoods together" .... what does that even mean? Anyway, great blog, looking forward to your next press release. -- https://www.facebook.com/theglassdie/