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Reno Little Theater Construction
Construction of new theater is 60% complete!
Reno Little Theater is celebrating an exciting milestone in its resurgence on the local arts scene. On Saturday, April 10, from 1pm to 4pm, RLT will be sharing the progress of its new theater by hosting an Open House on the site of its new home.
Guests will learn about RLT’s rich history and upcoming performances as well as personally touring the building. The new theater will be RLT’s first permanent home since 1995, when it moved out of its theater on Sierra Street to allow for expansion of Circus Circus. In the interim, RLT has performed in various locations, most recently in the Hug High School Theater.
The Open House is open to the entire community, as it benefits everyone in the Truckee Meadows. The theater building will be used for theatrical productions, children’s programs, youth and adult classes, and experimental productions. It will also be available for the local community to use for meetings and special functions.
Reno Little Theater is celebrating its 75th anniversary as Nevada’s first and longest-running live theater company. Founded in 1935 by Ed Semenza, RLT produces high-quality theatrical experiences that inspire, entertain, and enrich our diverse community. Its vision is to build a true sense of community strength and spirit by utilizing the existing talents of local residents and providing a creative outlet for aspiring performers, directors, playwrights, and anyone wishing to participate in any aspect of theatrical arts.
Reno Little Theater is located at 246 Arroyo Street, just west of Wells Avenue. For more details about RLT, its Open House and new building campaign, visit www.renolittletheater.org or call 329-0661.
Post your commentsPosted by: Justin - 4/2/2010 4:52:15 PM
Very exciting...I'm personally glad they will once again have a permanent home. The more performing arts venues we have in this town, the better. :)