Sweet Treats by Kyle Coming Soon

by Mike Van Houten / Jan 5, 2012

I stumbled across this business on Facebook purely by accident, and to my delight discovered they are renovating a space at 100 West Liberty (The Museum Tower, or Porsche Building for you Reno natives). Named Sweet Treats by Kyle, her creations look incredible, and I'm sure they won't mind me sharing a few below. No word on when this new specialty bakery opens downtown, but my taste buds eagerly count the days. From the look of their Facebook Fan Page, you can already order product from them. Looks like I might have to start working out a lot more and dust off the running shoes!


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  • January 8, 2012 - 11:02:31 AM

    A baby is grown up and ready to join the dyanmics of self-employment in Beautiful downtown Reno! A Reno native showing how 'IT CAN BE DONE!'