Signs of Life at the Siena

by Mike Van Houten / Jan 30, 2011

Yes, I get excited about demo-dumpsters and contractor trucks outside of properties downtown. They also updated their web site with a sign-up form.


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Web Site

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  • January 30, 2011 - 8:45:08 PM

    Nope, this is still a frozen version of the old Siena site. Note the check in date of 11/19/2010 and the 2010 copyright date. There was an $8000 interior demolition permit filed a few weeks ago. If anyone has ins with Lepori Construction, ask them what is going on. Wasn't there originally an expected February re-opening date mentioned by the new owners?

  • January 30, 2011 - 9:47:00 PM

    The old web site had a terra cotta color scheme.

  • January 30, 2011 - 9:49:11 PM

    An interview I saw with the CEO said they plan on opening in April. I hope the construction is to increase ventilation. Siena was always smokey.

  • January 31, 2011 - 11:50:49 PM

    Yes, the intended opening was February for the Siena but only the hotel, restaurants and spa would open but the owners decided against this plan deciding to open in the Spring. They are still working it out with agencies to get certified to open, the longest of them is the gaming license. There is absolutely no doubt that the Siena is re-opening and I will be at the grand opening celebrations. Speaking of the website, the new owners refreshed it but haven't updated it since they purchased the property for whatever reason. Can't wait to see what they do with the place.

  • February 1, 2011 - 1:35:01 AM

    It's ironic that you mention the 2010 copyright notice as a sign of inactivity, since the page you're posting on also has one. :)