Downtown Walk includes new Thai and staffing office

by Mike Van Houten / Jan 17, 2011

Took a quick walk downtown today for lunch and found a few interesting items to snap:

Integrity Staffing has taken up residence one of the retail spaces available at the City Galleria parking garage on the corner of First and Sierra. Kind of an odd choice of location for a staffing company, I'd prefer something that took better advantage of the foot traffic on that street but I'll take it! The office looks nice from the outside, although it was closed with a sign saying 'Not hiring at this time'.

A Thai Cafe has opened up where Gringo's previously was. I know of one person in my social circle so far that has been there and they enjoyed the food.

Some kind of roof activity continues at 100 North Sierra Street on the corner of Sierra and First Streets

A construction vehicle disappears inside the Nevada Discovery Museum, carrying piles of dirt inside.

Kids and families enjoying a sunny warm day on the ice rink.

A peek inside Men Wielding Fire's new food establishment at 180 East First Street

Post your comments
  • January 18, 2011 - 12:19:47 PM

    Will Men Wielding Fire be just catering or an actual sit-down restaurant?