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Redevelopment Agency to Discuss MOU that involves University of Nevada Reno

5/12/09 - In tomorrow's City Council/Redevelopment Meeting the board will discuss and provide potential direction to staff regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the Redevelopment Agency, the City of Reno, and the University of Nevada, Reno for future development of property of mutual interest within RDA 2. RDA2 is the second, younger district of Reno's two redevelopment districts. RDA1 encompasses most of downtown Reno.

A Memorandum of Understanding among the The CIty, the Redevelopment Agency (“RDA”) and the University of Nevada, Reno (“UNR”) is proposed to guide negotiations with the ultimate intent to collaborate on the development of land located between North Sierra Street and Evans Avenue and Ninth and Eighth Streets, also referred to in City documents as The Gateway Site. With the successful conclusion of discussions under the auspices of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Agency Board and the City of Reno will be asked, at a later date, to enter into a Definitive Agreement with the University of Nevada, Reno to assist a proposed development potentially utilizing various financial and entitlement tools available to the Redevelopment Agency and the City of Reno.

There is no word yet on a definitive project, other than it is to be some kind of 'gateway' to UNR. I am guessing any real groundbreaking would be at least a couple years away, considering the position that UNR is in right now, but maybe we'll learn more details about what they are envisioning sooner than later.

During the term of the Memorandum of Understanding the following activities will take place:

  1. A Gateway Site Steering Committee will be established to oversee the implementation of the Gateway Plan. This Steering Committee will consist of at least two elected City officials, the Redevelopment Administrator and Economic Development Manager, the President of UNR, and the Vice President of Administration & Finance of UNR;
  2. The Parties will discuss a proposed project with developer(s) to identify a project of mutual interest;
  3. The developer or developers will conduct various studies such as marketing, soils, seismic/environmental, financial feasibility, and design studies to name a few;
  4. Agency and City staff will work with other commissions and committees to review the need for master plan development, any zoning changes and other entitlement revisions within the Gateway Site; and
  5. The parties will discuss and seek concurrence on the provision for deposits, costs for studies and analysis as part of a potential Definitive Agreement.


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Posted by: David - 5/12/2009 1:37:14 PM
This would be huge. That area is a terribly ugly entrance to UNR.